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Our ZEBRASQUARE is not only a real eye-cat­cher, but also a high­light in any out­door area. By using at least two poles, it is not only pos­si­ble to sha­de far more than just a patio, but we also crea­te an exclu­si­ve, inspi­ring living space that is both func­tion­al and aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing. In addi­ti­on, the ZEBRASQUARE espe­ci­al­ly for use in win­dy places, as its stur­dy con­s­truc­tion pro­vi­des opti­mum pro­tec­tion and allows you to take a plea­sant, shady break even in strong winds.


  • up to 8 x 5.5 meters
  • Num­ber of towing masts: 2
  • Distance from towing mast: up to 20 meters
  • Spe­cial colum­ns for instal­la­ti­on on bal­co­nies

Rain drain

Thanks to the cur­ved shape of the sail, the rain drains away auto­ma­ti­cal­ly by direc­ting the water to the side, ensu­ring a dry sur­face at all times.

Train mast

The ZEBRA awning impres­ses with a uni­que mast sys­tem, available in stan­dard mast and design mast ver­si­ons, which offer sta­ble and aes­the­tic solu­ti­ons that can be fle­xi­bly adapt­ed to out­door are­as and appear simp­le or striking as desi­red.

Canvas & sail color

  • water-repel­lent & water­pro­of
  • Pro­tec­tion against UV sun­light UPF 50+
  • Wind-sta­ble thanks to coun­ter-pull sys­tem
  • 20 fabric colors to choo­se from
  • RAL spe­cial color against surchar­ge

exclusive & unique

The design of your awning com­bi­nes func­tion­al fea­tures with aes­the­tic appeal and visual­ly enhan­ces your out­door area while crea­ting a plea­sant atmo­sphe­re. The balan­ce of form and func­tion makes it a sty­lish and prac­ti­cal solu­ti­on.

Custom order?

In spe­cial buil­ding situa­tions, tail­or-made con­cepts for the shape, func­tion and size of your awning are often essen­ti­al, as they ensu­re per­fect adapt­a­ti­on to the buil­ding pro­ject. Our experts the­r­e­fo­re work hand in hand with archi­tects, buil­ders and spe­cia­lists to deve­lop indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther and inte­gra­te the sail sys­tem per­fect­ly into the design of your pro­ject.


Here you will find a small sel­ec­tion of impres­si­ons that will give you a first impres­si­on of our ZEBRASQUARE and their many pos­si­ble appli­ca­ti­ons. The­se pic­tures show how our ZEBRASQUARE work in dif­fe­rent envi­ron­ments and help to make the out­door area both func­tion­al and aes­the­tic. Let us inspi­re you!

Contact us now.